National Focal Point INFOTERRA – UNEP from the Republic of Moldova

National Coordinator, ManagerPetru COCIRTA, Member of the International Academy of Informatization (Associated to the UN), Dr. in biol., Ass. prof.

Tel.: (+ 373 22) 72 18 03, 73 15 50, E-mail: [email protected]

According to the Decision of the Presidium of the Republic of Moldova Parliament of June 14, 1993, no. 1494-XII, National Institute of Ecology was authorized as the National Focal Point INFOTERRA - UNEP of the Republic of Moldova. In present this function is taken by Institute of Ecology and Geography. National Focal Points INFOTERRA - UNEP (NFP INFOTERRA - UNEP - United Nations Environment Program) were authorized according to the UNEP Governing Council Decision 1-1 from 1973, were established in order to grant support in realization of the UNEP tasks. Currently there are such national focal points in 178 countries.
The 8th Meeting of the Steering Committee of UNEP INFOTERRA on November 1998 (Washington, USA) had adopted recommendations for reorganization of INFOTERRA system with the aim to improve its subdivisions functioning and efficient implementation of Aarhus Convention Directives at the compartment "Access to environmental information ". Later at the 21th Session of UNEP Governing Council (Nairobi, Kenya) from 1 to 5 February 1999 documents about INFOTERRA reforming and practical tasks for this field (decisions 20/3, 20/4, 20/5 and 20/6) were adopted.

Main objectives of the PNF INFOTERRA – UNEP of the Republic of Moldova
•    Contributions in evaluation and modernization of environmental informational system in the Republic of Moldova;
•    Propagation of global and regional environmental concepts and problems, according to information received from

•    Ensure the permanent connection with the Program Activity Centre INFOTERRA-UNEP and its information about NFP

INFOTERRA activities;
NFP INFOTERRA activities:
•    Completion, storage and publication of the National Registry of environmental informational sources with their brief description;
•    Providing the environmental informational service for beneficiaries of INFOTERRA system;
•    Inform the governing bodies about the possibilities and achievements of INFOTERRA system.
During the period 1993 - 2012 a valuable INFOTERRA compartment with content of more than 650 publications had been successfully created, which together with the informational materials from different national and international sources currently constitutes the fonds of IEG library.
Informational materials are available for experts and specialists in domain and are utilized for ecological propagation and awareness, for development of strategies, plans, national reports, draft bills, other regulations, etc.
Information about PNF INFOTERRA - UNEP activity as well as about the Republic of Moldova can be accessed on web addresses ( and