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The Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova was founded in accordance with the Republic of Moldova Government Decision “On the measures for optimization the infrastructure of science and innovation sphere” No. 1326 of December 14, 2005 by unifying the National Institute of Ecology of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova.
In the Republic of Moldova, geographical science development began in 1946, when the Economical and Geographical Sector was created as a part of the Moldovan Base of Scientific Researches of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, which in 1950 was transformed in the Sector of Geography and Cartography within the Economical Sector (from 1960 – the Institute of Economy) of the Moldovan Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; in 1965 basing on this sector the Geographical Section of the Academy of Sciences of the MSSR was created, which gained status of the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova due to its actuality, practical and theoretical importance of investigations, scientific potential.
The National Institute of Ecology was founded in 1990 basing on the Direction of Science, Monitoring and Ecological Norms of Department of Environmental protection; forest and Experimental Stations with experimental forest area “Harbovat”; technologic and design Centre; scientific sections of reservations “Codru” and “Iagorlac”; plant protection Section from Straseni; pedological Stations from Bender. From 1992 Institute began to work under double subordination of the Environmental Protection Department (later – the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources) and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova.
Principal effort of the Institute of Geography development belongs to m.c. M. Radul, Dr. in geography V. Proca, Dr. hab. in geography A. Levadniuc, academicians Tatiana Constantinov and A. Ursu; and in the National Institute of Ecology – m.c. I. Dediu, who was also its founder.