Purpose, the main tasks.
Continuation of database completion with data dealing the evaluation of precipitations and acids oxides in atmosphere of ecological stationary Hincesti.
Research directions:
- Assessment of the natural / anthropogenic ecosystems state, estimation of antropic impact on environmental components on local and transboundary context;
- Calculation of mineral ions quantity in soil brought by rains;
- Quantitative and qualitative monitoring of atmospheric depositions;
- Modelling of pollutants dispersion in dependence of meteorological parameters
Key achievements:
The researches demonstrate that the Republic of Moldova is situated in zone with the influence of acid rains and 96% of all rainfall water samples have pH ≤ 7.50; the quantitative content of analyzed ions varies widely within a rain from the high values in the first samples at the beginning of the rain and minimum values in the end. Acidity has an inverse behavior; changes in ion concentration are in close relations with the direction of frontal air masses. Western components increase their content, air pollution in Moldova occurs from upper layers of the atmosphere with descending air masses; during the warm season there are recorded increased concentrations of ions in precipitation and precursors of acid rain – acidifying oxides - SO2, NO2 and SO42- in the atmosphere; before the rainfall an increasing content of sulphur oxides, nitrogen dioxide and aerosol SO42- and a decreasing concentration after the rainfall event is observed in the air.
- Buburuz D. Zacasovscaia R., Plângău V., Gori T., Clipa C., Bogaiciuc L., Fasola R. Precipitaţiile acide şi biodiversitatea. Mat.simp.Jubil. „Rezervaţia Codrii-35 de ani". Lozova 2006. p.30-31.
- Buburuz D., Zacasovscaia R. Influenţa factorilor meteorologici asupra proprietăţilor corozive ale atmosferei. Rez.Conferinţei Naţionale de Coroziune şi Protecţia Anticorozive ale atmosferei // Rez.Conferinţei Naţionale de Coroziune şi protecţia anticorozivă, 27-28 octombrie 2007, Cluj-Napoca, p. 23-24.
- Buburuz D., Zacasovscaia R., Niculiţă Gh. Impactul reagenţilor antigrindină asupra mediului în RM. Rez. Simp. Mediul-Cercetare, Protecţia şi Gestiune. Ed. VI-a. Cluj-Napoca, 26-28 octombrie 2007, p. 21-22.
- Buburuz D., Zacasovscaia R., Plângău V.. Acid precipitation influence on the quality of surface water. In: Riscuri şi catastrofe. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Geographia. Cluj-Napoca: 2009, p. 193-201.
- LOZAN, R.; TĂRÎŢĂ, A.; ZACASOVSCHI, R. Modelarea fluxului ionilor minerali din atmosferă în ecosistem. The XXXI-st Romanian Chemistry Conference, 6-8 october 2010, Râmnicul Vâlcea, România, p. 252.
- LOZAN, R.; TĂRÎŢĂ, A.; ZACASOVSCHI, R. Deposition of sulphur and nitrogen via rainwater (Case Study – the administrative territory of the Hincesti district: Confer. Mater. „Air and Water components of the Environment", 18-19 March, 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; p. 276-282.
- LOZAN, R.; TĂRÎŢĂ, A.; ZACASOVSCHI, R.; BOIAN, I.; BALAN, V. Calitatea aerului atmosferic şi precipitaţiile atmosferice. Starea mediului în Republica Moldova în 2007-2010 (Raport National). – Chişinău: S. n., 2011, p. 57-62.
Specialist's employees and areas of activity:
- Zacasovschi Raisa, Senior Scientific Researchers, Head of Ecological stationary Hincesti.
- Alaeva Galina, laboratory assistant.
- Borodache Alexei, coordinator engineer.
- Zacasovschi Anastasia, laboratory assistant.