Head of laboratory: Petru Bacal, Dr in Geography, Assoc. Prof.
Address: Academiei 1 str., Chişinău, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova
Phone: (+373) 22725896, 22721803
E-mail: [email protected]
General Information
Laboratory "Environmental Impact and Regulations" was established in 2014 at the request of the Department of Natural and Exact Sciences of the ASM. The laboratory creation was produced by merging "Environmental Standards and Regulations" and "Human Geography" laboratories.
Research’s goal: appreciation of natural and social components, assessment of the impact of socio-economic activities on the environment and its regulatory mechanism in order to ensure sustainable regional development.
Main directions of scientific research:
- Evaluation of the natural, economic and social components and their and their systemic relations;
- Assessment of the resource potential of regional and local development;
- The evolution and distribution, functional and spatial organization of human settlements;
- Dynamics, distribution, structure and reproduction of the population and of the labour force;
- Estimation of the aggregated Human Development Index at the regional and local level.
- Assessing the impact of socio-economic activities on the natural and social environment;
- The mechanism for regulating the anthropic impact on the environment and the optimization of the normative-legislative and economic levers for its implementation;
- Identifying problematic situations in the use and reproduction of natural and social components, elaboration of recommendations for optimizing their management;
- To develop the scientific bases of environmental and demographic management;
- Assessment of touristic and recreational resources in order to increase the tourist attractiveness, ensure the opportunities for regional/local development and reduce the impact on the environment.
The spectrum of competence:
- Expertise in issues of assessment, use and management of natural resources;
- Expertise in socio-demographic issues;
- Expertise in issues of implementation of sustainable regional development;
- Expertise in issues of environmental protection and management;
- Expertise in biodiversity and natural ecosystem issues;
- Expertise in issues of harmonization of environmental standards and legislation;
Scriptic staff:
Head of laboratory: Bacal Petru, Dr. in Geography, Assistant Professor, Leading Researcher. Research directions: economic geography, environmental geography, environmental economics and environmental management, geography of tourism. Contact details: office phone 022725698; e-mail: [email protected];
Petru Cocîrţă, ScD in Biology, Associate Researcher, Leading Researcher. Research directions: environmental management, environmental regulations and legislation, assessing of water and biodiversity resources. Contact details: office phone 022 721803; e-mail: [email protected];
Crîşmaru Valentin, ScD in Agriculture, Leading Researcher. Research directions: specialist in organic farming and the impact of agriculture on soil and land, harmonization of legislation in agriculture. Contact details: office phone 022 721803; e-mail: [email protected];
Matei Constantin, Dr Hab. in Geography, University Professor, Leading Researcher. Laureate of the State Prize (1981). Research directions: geography of population and human settlements, demographic management. Contact details: mob. phone 079970771. e-mail: [email protected];
Lozovanu Dorin, Dr in Geography, Associate Researcher, Senior Researcher. Research directions: geography of population and human settlements, historic geography, political geography, etno-geography and cartography, migration and the diaspora. Member of Editorial Board of International Journals. Contact details: office phone 022725698; e-mail: [email protected];
Ana Jeleapov, PhD in Geography (Geo-sciences), Senior researcher. Research directions: assessment and monitoring of surface waters, evaluation and modelling of hydrological risks, assessment of anthropogenic impact on water resources and water bodies. Contact details: office phone 022 721803; e-mail: [email protected].
Burduja (Vîrlan) Daniela, scientific researcher in ecology and environmental protection, MA in Natural Sciences, PhD studies at AESM (Academy of Economic Studies from Moldova), Specialization: Economic and Social Geography. Research directions: assessment and management of water resources. Contact details: office phone 022721803, e-mail: [email protected];
Moroz Ivan, scientific researcher in ecology and environmental protection, MA in Geography, MA in ecology and environmental protection; PhD studies at AESM (Academy of Economic Studies from Moldova), Specialization: Economic and Social Geography. Research directions: geography of tourism, impact of tourism on the environment. Contact details: office phone 022725698, e-mail: [email protected].
Crețu Irina, Junior scientific researcher in ecology and environmental protection. Research directions: agro-ecology, assessment of agriculture impact on land and soil resources. Contact details: office phone 022721803, e-mail: [email protected];
Nistor Valentina, Junior scientific researcher in ecology and environmental protection. Research directions: assessment of biodiversity components. Contact details: office phone 022721803, e-mail: [email protected]
Sterpu Lunita, Leading Engineer, office phone 022725698, e-mail: [email protected];
Part-time internal staff:
Bunduc Petru, Scientific Secretary of IEG. Dr. in Geography, Senior Researcher in demography. Research directions: human geography, general geography, methodology of geographical research; regional development. Contact details: office phone 022 735981, e-mail: [email protected];
Răilean Veronica, Scientific researcher in economics, PhD student National Institute of Economic Research. Research directions: economic analysis, environmental economics, demography. Contact details: office phone 022 735981; e-mail: [email protected];
Part-time external staff:
Hachi Mihai, Dr in Geography, Assistant Professor, Leading Researcher; Research directions: Human geography, demography and regional development, Contact details: office phone 022725698; e-mail: [email protected];
Relevant publications:
- Bacal P., Lozovanu D. (coord.). Regiunea de Dezvoltare Centru. Aspecte geografice, socio-economice și ecologice. Chișinău: Dira Ap, 2020. 156 p.
- Bulimaga C., Bacal P. (coord.). Studiul Diagnostic al ecosistemelor urbane și rurale din Regiunea de Dezvoltare Nord a Republicii Moldova. Ch: Tipografia "Impressum". 2020. 124 p
- Jeleapov A. Studiul viiturilor pluviale în contextul impactului antropic asupra mediului. Ch: Tipografia "Impressum". 2020. 254 p.
- Bejan Iu., Bacal P. Nedealcov N., et all. Planul de Gestionare a Bazinului Hidrografic Camenca Ciclul II, 2019-2024. Chișinău, 2019. 98 p.
- Lozovanu D. Populația românească din peninsula Balcanică. Studiu antropogeografic. Editura Academiei Române, București 2019, 494 p.
- Lozovanu D. (coord.). Comunități etnice și diaspora în timp și spațiu. Chișinău, Editura Art Poligraf, 2019, 220 p.
- Кокырцэ П. Синезелëные водоросли – возбудители «цветения» воды в водоемах и их отношение к азоту. Кишинэу: 2019. Tipogr. “Bons Offices”. 170 p.
- Bacal P. Mecanismul economic de protecție a mediului în Republica Moldova. Abordare geografică și ecologică. Chișinău: Biotehdesign, 2018. 296 p.
- Florea S. Impactul factorial asupra condițiilor și securității dezvoltării durabile. Chișinău: TEHNICA-INFO, 2018. 445 p.
- Bejan I., Nedealcov M., Boboc N., Bacal P. et all. Planul de Gestionare a Districtului Bazinului Hidrografic Prut-Dunărea-Marea Neagră. Ciclul I, 2017-2022. Chișinău, 2017. 151 p.
- Matei C., Hachi M., Sainsus V. Formarea populaţiei Republicii Moldova. Chișinău, 2017. 340 p.
- Matei C., Hachi M., Sainsus V. Capitolul Populația. În: Republica Moldova: Ediţie Enciclopedică, Chişinău, 2017. p. 104-127.
- Bejan I., Boboc N., Bacal P. et all. Planul de Gestionare a Bazinului Hidrografic Prut. Ciclul I, 2017-2022. Chișinău, 2016. 116 p.
- Cocîrţă P. Legislația ecologică a Rep. Moldova. Catalog și Ghid Științifico-practic al documentelor. Chișinău, 2015, 140 p.
- Matei C., Sainsus V., Hachi M. Evoluția demografică a Rep. Moldova. Chișinău, 2014. 210 p.
- Lozovanu D. (coordonator). Atlasul UTA Găgăuzia. Chișinău, 2014.
- Florea S. Aglomeraţia oraşului Chişinău, Garomont-Studio, Chişinău, 2013, 164 p.
- GEO5. Global Environment Outlook. Environment for the future we want. United Nations Environment Programme, Valleta, Malta, 2012, 551 p. (P.Cocirta–Country’s national contributor).
- Bacal P. Gestiunea protecţiei mediului înconjurător în Republica Moldova. Aspecte teoretice şi aplicative. Chişinău: ASEM, 2010. 240 p.
Collection of scientific articles:
- Provocări și tendințe actuale în cercetarea componentelor naturale și socio-economice ale ecosistemelor urbane și rurale. Institutul de Ecologie și Geografie. Chișinău: 2020. 165 p.
- Calitatea factorilor de mediu în contextul dezvoltării durabile a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Sud. Institutul de Ecologie și Geografie. Chișinău, 2017.
- Calitatea factorilor de mediu în contextul dezvoltării durabile a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Nord.. Institutul de Ecologie și Geografie. Bălţi, 2015. 102 p.
- Dezvoltarea Durabilă a Regiunii de Dezvoltare Centru: Factori de Mediu şi Contribuţii. Institutul de Ecologie și Geografie. Chişinău, 2014. 52 p
Articles in journals with impact factor:
- Burduja A., Bacal P., Răileanu V. The particularities of water use in the Central Region of Republic of Moldova. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, nr. 1, 2020. Volume 14, no. 1, 2020. IF. 0,7. pp. 5-17. https://doi.org/10.15551/pesd2020141001
- Bacal P., Jeleapov A., Burduja A., Moroz I. State and use of lakes from Central Region of Republic of Moldova. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Volume 13, no. 2, 2019. IF. 0,7. pp. 141-156. DOI: 10.2478/pesd-2019-0031.
- JELEAPOV, A. Assessment of regional variation of flood runoff in the Republic of Moldova. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Volume 12, no. 1, 2018, pp. 35-47.
- JELEAPOV A. Assessment of pluvial floods potential on the rivers of the Republic of Moldova. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Volume12, no. 2, 2018, pp. 121-133
- Crîsmaru V., Bacal P., Bejan Iu. The pressure of natural and anthropogenic factors on the status of soil from Central Development Region. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Volume 11, no. 1, 2017, p. 163-171.
- Bacal P., Burduja D. Dynamics and branch structure of water consumption in the Republic of Moldova. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Volume 11, no. 2, 2017. p. 187-201.
- Bacal P., Ciocan N., Vîrlan D. The socio-economic impacts on water resources in the Răut river basin. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Volume 10, no. 2, 2016, p. 249-258. ISNN 1843-5971, e-ISSN: 2284-7820.
- Bacal P. Economic and geographical aspects of water use in the Prut river basin (The sector of the Republic of Moldova). In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Volume 10, no. 2, 2016, p. 77-94. ISNN 1843-5971, e-ISSN: 2284-7820.
- Bacal P. The managing of the waste water impact in the Prut river basin (The Republic of Moldova sector). În: International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies and Environmental Communication. Special Issue: F Mihailescu Sympozium on applied climatology. Ed. Universitară & ADI Publication. Constanta, 2016. p. 26-36. ISSN 2285 – 3324. IF: 0.781.
- Moroz I. The impact of wate and sanitation in the localities on the Lower Course of the Diniester. În: International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies and Environmental Communication. Special Issue: F Mihailescu Sympozium on applied climatology. Ed. Universitară & ADI Publication. Constanta, 2016. pp. 78-83. ISSN 2285 – 3324. IF: 0.781.
Institutional and international projects:
- Project 06.411.018F. Highlighting the regional peculiarities of the geoecological potential of landscapes. Term of execution - 2006-2010.
- Project 06.411.019A. Complex assessment of the state, mode of use and protection of regional territorial units. Term of execution - 2006-2010.
- Section 5: Elaboration of the scientific basis for modernization and completion of the legislation and normative-methodological acts of the Republic of Moldova in the field of ecology and environmental protection within the concept of sustainable development.
- Project 06.411.020 A. Structure, functionality, stability, dynamics and bioproductivity of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems in the Republic of Moldova. Term of execution - 2006-2010.
- Project 11.817.08.05A. Impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on geo- and ecosystems on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in order to improve the management of natural resources and the preservation of representative areas. Term of execution - 2011-2014.
- Project 15.817.02.20A. Study of the impact of the economic activities in the Central Development Region in order to protect the natural potential for sustainable development. Term of execution: 2015-19.
- Project 20.80009.707.11 Assessment of the stability of urban and rural ecosystems in order to ensure sustainable development. Term of execution – 2020-2023.
- EPIRB project ENPI/2011/279-666. Management Plan of the Prut River Basin. Chapter "Economic Analysis of Water Use". Term of execution - 2014-2016.
- EPIRB project ENPI/2011/279-666. Management Plan of the Basin of Hydrographical District Prut-Danube-Black Sea. Chapter "Economic Analysis of Water Use". Term of execution 2016-2018.
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